Monday, June 15, 2015

I'm OK

There was a point in time when I was in great shape. I was a soldier so out of necessity, my body was conditioned as such. So what happened? How did I get here? A 31 year old couch sitter. It's simple. I stopped trying.

You see I left the military and entered a world of self-medication. I drank too much in an effort to numb my feelings and used cocaine to feel something. I ate out, never cooked in and when I was motivated to eat healthy (after an all night bender) I'd walk to Subway. Nothing says healthy like cheese, pepperoni, salami, ham and a bag of chips!

Fast forward about 5 years and two drug influenced hospital stays and I was finally clean, mostly sober and 35 lbs heavier (about 195 lbs). The only exercise I was getting was running to the oven to save the pizza I was burning and climbing the stairs to my bedroom. I wasn't winning at life, but I was getting better.

Over the next 6 years my weight and energy level would fluctuate. I would get married, have two beautiful baby girls and receive a service dog for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) through This Able Veteran So what now? Why am I writing this? Why share this brief summary of my post military life? It's because I'm ok.

I'm ok and the world convinced me ok was..... well... ok! I've come to realize I'm an ok husband an ok father and my health is ok. I've come to realize ok doesn't take work. Ok is existing. A farmers field with an ok yield produces just enough to get by. Ok is simply surviving. But God didn't make us to survive, He made us to thrive!

Ok marriages end. I don't want my marriage to end... ever. Ok health lacks energy and I want to run and play with my kids and when I do it I don't want to feel like my knees will explode or I'm going to somehow hurt myself!

This is my line in the sand. This is my declaration. This is me stepping into the arena, onto the battlefield and beginning to fight. I'm fighting for my family, for my health and for a future thats more than ok. Will you join me on this adventure?

I've chosen to start a training program to race in my first triathlon. The physical demands make me feel like a soldier again, but thats another blog topic! This blog, "Tri The Race", will chronicle my efforts, successes, failures and realizations had along the way. Warning: It's not always going to be pretty, but if you stick with me, I think together we can do something special. So I ask again, will you join me?


  1. Sure I'll join you! Thanks for being so transparent. It makes you so much more - real.

    1. Great Nicole! I've found honesty is just so much more... Freeing!
