Friday, July 3, 2015


We just got back from vacation in Wisconsin. Going into the vacation we were so excited! The only thing I was concerned about was wether or not I could keep up with my training. See, since family members live in Wisconsin, Arkansas and Kentucky, it makes getting together for EVERY holiday hard. So this was our Thanksgiving trip!

I've never been one to continue anything except gluttony on vacation. I give myself the 5 pound weight gain pass. Its ok! Its a vacation right?!? Well this time was the first time I entered into a vacation with long term goals. Goals which even a short term lapse would interfere with.

We shopped before leaving and packed all the food into a cooler and brought it with. When we were in Wisconsin, my mom was gracious enough to pick up the tab on the next grocery trip, provide we cooked and she could have some :) Side note... She is so funny. She buys us food and asks if she can have some. As if we'd have any reason to deny her... Her food! I love her!

So we have the diet figured out. Eating good, eating small portions and drinking a lot of water. Lets workout.

I'm so lucky to have a supportive wife. She gives me the time to get out and train. She understands the greater implication of this journey. She realizes its more than simply physical. Change is happening. Also, she's not opposed to me getting super fit with six-pack abs!

I got out and ran a few times to start and on one day while we were home I ran 3.1 miles (a 5K) to the park, then went to the pool for a swim. I don't know how far I swam, I just kept going back a forth until I felt like I didn't have anymore to give.

The pool was a public pool with no lap lanes and a bunch of people. Admittedly I was frustrated because I had to stop every so often to get through traffic. In reality I was glad I had to... I could tell myself things like, "Geez! Can't a guy swim some laps without stopping! Trying to workout here!" But in reality I was thinking, "Oh thank God, I can take a break!"

So running... Check. Swimming... Check. But I haven't mentioned biking up until this point. Simple reason being I didn't have one... So one of the first things we did on this trip was stop at the local bike shop The Sports Den and buy a bike! After test riding several, I found my ride!

I love riding it! I almost wanted to stop training for the other events and just focus on cycling, but that wouldn't do me any favors come September! Plus I got saddle sore so I had to take a few days off the bike anyways...

The greatest thing is I am now able to actually train for my triathlon! While on vacation, I started thinking about ways I could fit training into my everyday life in ways other than just getting up earlier. Sometimes I have a hard time sleeping and need that extra time in the morning.

So I thought, I could start running/biking to wherever we were planning to drive. Instead of driving to my in-laws house, I could bike the 11 miles, put my bike in the van and drive the family home when the visit was over. 

When we went to the pool I thought, I can leave a little early and run the 3 miles to the pool and meet my family there. I thought, I'd like to surprise visit my sister so instead of trying to get the family out from their routine, I'll just bike there and back! It worked perfect and I plan to keep going in that manner here in Kentucky.

Now that I'm back in Kentucky, I'm a bit nervous. Wisconsin spoiled me with its flatness! My mile time dropped and I was afraid to go back home and watch it climb as I climbed the hills! But I know its not a reason to quit. 

Seeing your event times fluctuate is a part of the sport. If we quit at each fluctuation, we don't get better, character isn't formed there is no progress.  So tomorrow, I'm hitting the road for my first run back home! We'll see how it goes!

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